I have a strong work ethic, always have, always had to. I come from a large Caribbean family and I have been taught by them that you get out of life what you put into it. You treat people as equals, no matter what their background or social status is. Always do your best and then some and, no matter what, believe in yourself and always be prepared to be challenged. As I’ve gotten older this has been so true. I have been successful as a result of challenging the status quo.
Anyone that knows me or meets me will know my husband and my little boy are my life. The other passion is my business SRM Accountancy. Crunching numbers is what I do best. I absolutely love getting up in the morning and getting things done! I thrive on solving real problems, helping my clients, meeting people and doing things the right way. Being honest and making a real difference to others means everything to me.
For me, this year has been about juggling my home life and my business. Leaving full-time employment to follow my dream to go it alone has been an immense roller coaster but that has resulted in an incredible few months that have pushed every button and challenged every strength I have. And I’m proud to say I’ve done it! Running my new business in the middle of a crazy year with COVID-19 has actually allowed me to manage both, as being at home has given me the focus
I needed. I am so used to juggling loads of things at once and not having to juggle so many has channeled my energy. I am ahead of where I had planned I’d be and I’ve spent more time than I would have with my young son. I was lucky enough to see him every day. These are the special moments you can never get back and I’ll cherish the times I’ve had with him and my husband.
Diversity does not exist without inclusion. As a woman of colour, I’ve fought the odds and overcome many obstacles. I am lucky enough to call Jersey my home and proud that as an island it embraces inclusion and diversity. It’s a wonderful place to live and work. The finance industry has invested a great deal in educating its businesses and staff in the importance of such programmes. I congratulate leaders and CEOs for their direction - it’s what makes Jersey’s finance industry an internationally recognised finance centre.
I started my business in October 2016 but it’s only now running it full-time that I feel I’ve really become an entrepreneur. At times, I was exhausted and wondered if my dreams were beyond the realm of possibility. I don’t have many contemporaries like me but I’m OK with that. I know that my drive to work twice as hard has got me through this year and will continue to do so for many years to come.