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Lisa Springate

Chair, IoD Jersey / Head of Legal and Technical, Jersey Finance

2020 will be a year forever remembered in our hearts, minds and souls. Who would have believed as we welcomed in the new year, that shortly thereafter, we would witness the pandemic reach our beautiful shores. It seems ironic that the year that we were due to mark Liberation 75, Jersey was in lockdown.

The strength of the pandemic was brought home to me, when my closest school friend of over 40 years, became seriously ill with Covid-19. I wept as I came off a FaceTime call with her, after seeing how weak and frail she looked. Thankfully, she made a good recovery, but it was a real wake-up call and sharp reminder to me of how vulnerable we all are and how life can without any notice, suddenly take away those who you mean so very much to you.

Covid-19 has re-set mankind. It has made us all take a long hard look at our lifestyles and reminded us of how fortunate we are to have our health, family, friends, homes, gardens and work. Our freedom of choice and so very much more.

How often have we all also said over the last few months “how lucky we are to live in such a stunning Island”, to be able to walk along our beaches and coastal walks with panoramic views and swim in our waters, when there are so many other less fortunate people around the world. But the reality is that we are so very privileged.

For my husband and I, as I am sure for so many, nature and scenery (and our beautiful cockapoo, Daisy) have allowed us a degree of escapism from what at times, has felt and still feels like a surreal world. To really cherish the very simple things in life and each other, when so many have lost their lives and loved ones around the world.

Following my mother passing away three years ago, I have found my inability to regularly see my father and his beloved Springer Spaniel, Jack, to be particularly difficult, as with so many families. I will always remember the huge sense of excitement I felt when I travelled back to the UK to see them as a surprise. To watch my father’s face light up as I walked across the garden towards him and his wonderful and kind smile. Such special times indeed but difficult ones too, not being able to embrace those who you love so dearly.

We will be forever grateful to all those within the health service and others for what they have sacrificed so much on our behalf as well as those national treasures like “Sir Tom”, who raised more than £32 million for NHS charities.

Let us not forgot what we have all learnt in 2020.